Muscovy duck with chickens?


6 Years
Mar 7, 2016
Hi I'm newer to ducks. I've had my ducks since March and one is much larger than the other so I believed him to be a drake. They recently seemed to catch up to each other in size. Is that normal?

Long story short the one I call a hen was killed by a raccoon we belive. The drake is still around. He was a bit traumatized after but seems to be doing well now. Both grew up with my chicks and got along until about 8 weeks and they started biting the chicks quite hard and mean. We've always kept them separate but since the loss of the hen have been allowing the duck out with the chickens supervised. Last night he hissed and pecked at the chickens so they were all scared but made no move to hurt them like the hen used to.

Socially will he be ok with the chickens or should I rehome him? A friend has Pekins and a mallard duck but I don't know anyone that has muscovys
Hi I'm newer to ducks. I've had my ducks since March and one is much larger than the other so I believed him to be a drake. They recently seemed to catch up to each other in size. Is that normal?

Long story short the one I call a hen was killed by a raccoon we belive. The drake is still around. He was a bit traumatized after but seems to be doing well now. Both grew up with my chicks and got along until about 8 weeks and they started biting the chicks quite hard and mean. We've always kept them separate but since the loss of the hen have been allowing the duck out with the chickens supervised. Last night he hissed and pecked at the chickens so they were all scared but made no move to hurt them like the hen used to.

Socially will he be ok with the chickens or should I rehome him? A friend has Pekins and a mallard duck but I don't know anyone that has muscovys
I am sorry for your loss. My drake will grab feathers if the chickens get too close.

He maybe okay with them but he will be lonely and being full of testosterone could even try to mate with your hens so might be best to give him to your friend so he has other ducks to hang out with they really are flock animals and like to be around other ducks. Or you could look in your local craigs list for a female scovy . or 2.
This was our first try into ducks (well chickens too) and after getting them all I discovered I was pregnant so I really can't take on more animals even to replace lost ones at this point. If he's not happy I think rehoming is the only option
This was our first try into ducks (well chickens too) and after getting them all I discovered I was pregnant so I really can't take on more animals even to replace lost ones at this point. If he's not happy I think rehoming is the only option
That will have to be your decision in the end, but I don't think my Muscovy drake would be happy with just chickens he loves his girls.

Congrats on your baby also!!

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