Muscovy Hen needs home


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Young, abandoned muscovy hen. Just rescued and needs a flock. Very friendly and healthy. Please adopt her. Central New York. Will deliver her.
I would, but not sure about shipping info, mine free range on pond on nine acres.. having all manner or bugs weeds greens grass fruit berries nuts litchens etc, yet still gobble down bread corn n layer etc (had to teach two new terribly neglected scovies what most foods slowly were). Good luck if you can keep her, they are feathered puppies quietly full of love.
Have you had any luck yet? I am in Central New York, too, and have a little mixed flock of chickens. There is a pond but it's frozen now.

We have a five acre pond with about 100 other ducks and geese. We would love to welcome another Muscovy! We are located about an hour outside of Rochester NY. Let me know if the bird is still looking for a home. Thanks!
Hello, I am new to this forum. I am currently trying to rehome some of my male ducks due to an unequal ratio. I have a Cayuga, a pekin and a silver appleyard. I live close to Rochester NY, is there anyone near me interested? I've never rehomed ducks before. I raised these guys from ducklings.

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