Muscovy taming?


Jan 1, 2016
I've just gotten a pair of 5/6 week old 'scovies and I was just wondering if they're too old to tame?
Their previous owner said their mother wasn't hand raised and he unfortunately hadn't spent much time with the ducklings after they were hatched.
They're quite skittish, especially the young drake so I'm just wondering if there is any way I could get them to warm up to me?
We also have 4 one week olds (2 pekin, 2 welsh harlequin), and they just peep and follow me around all day.
Would letting them spend some time with the muscovys (and myself) help?
Or would the muscovys make the hatchlings less human friendly?
It would help,but no duck is too old to tame,some just prefer their alone selfs.Hand feed them alot,and make a special call when foods ready interact with them.
I think TheTwoRoos is on to it. They may never be as tame as your others but if you spend alot of time outside they will get use to you and with treats you'll eventually get them eating out of your hand. Most of mine have been raised by their mamas and don't want to be touched or picked up but will follow me around and eat out of my hand.

Welcome to BYC
Thanks guys, any idea what kind of treats they'd like?
Also I wasn't sure if I should be letting the muscovys sleep inside with the little ones during the night, (but I brought them in anyway because I felt bad lol) but obviously due to their size they should almost be ready to stay outside during the night, right? They seemed to be a decent source of warmth for the little ones though, which huddled up with them and they all seemed quite content.
This is my first time raising ducks and I seriously misjudged the size when I went to pick up the scovies

Ducks grow fast,but do feather slowly.Our ducks usually don't get to move to the outdoors till about 3 and a half months.They will love bread,crackers,rice,probaly veggies.If you have a kitty pool,once they get older,you can by minos and let them fish for em.We own a pond and my ducks catch frogs,fish bigger then their throat,and swallow em whole.They also like little thinks like grass,weeds.It is so intertaining watching them stick their butts in the ear while they search for things.
Thanks guys, any idea what kind of treats they'd like?
Also I wasn't sure if I should be letting the muscovys sleep inside with the little ones during the night, (but I brought them in anyway because I felt bad lol) but obviously due to their size they should almost be ready to stay outside during the night, right? They seemed to be a decent source of warmth for the little ones though, which huddled up with them and they all seemed quite content.
This is my first time raising ducks and I seriously misjudged the size when I went to pick up the scovies

They are adorable I'd say as long as the older Scovys don't pick on the littles your okay but at the siaze of your small ones getting stepped on is a risk so I'd make sure they have a large area to share so the littles don't get under foot. and get injured. Your scovies are so pretty I'd say they look very content look at the little ones snuggling.
My ducks love dried mealworms and peas the little round green ones frozen and thawed. your tiny ones will need the peas smashed for a couple weeks. Meal worms I just break up.

I would not feed bread rice or crackers.

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