muscovys' and rare ducks pics

I still hope Nibbler is a girl LOL eggs would be nice ya know hehe I've started planning for a nice outdoor door safe cage area. We live in Florida so even now its super nice out, but I still won't make Nibbler move outside until the "PEEP PEEP PEEP" is gone LOL I don't want to drive my poor neighbors crazy.

I just wish Nibbler and our dogs would get along, we have to play the constant ok let Nibbler out, dogs out on the back porch, or put the gate up to keep them separate. The dogs are seriously freaked out about the duck for sure. And Nibbler is a little instagator and will dash at the dogs and nip at the fur. Ummm yeah the dogs are like WHAT THE HECK is this little thing nipping at me.

It has been interesting to say the least.
I hope Nibbler is a girl too. Now I am glad your being vigilant about the dogs, it would only take once for tragedy I know from experience.My indoor duckling never popped the dogs and I have 4, 5- now that my dad and his dog has come to live with us but I never trust my dogs to be alone with any of my flock, especially my geese my geese torment the day lights out of them and I know my one dog would come back at them. So they have to all be supervised when we're all outside. Ducks can have an attitude like Nibbler with the dogs they don't realize dogs have teeth and can kill or injure them.
Yep I would never trust them alone together either. We have my mom's dog which is Captain and is a Rot/Pit mix who thinks he is a teacup size dog LOL, he is a sweet heart and funny enough I might trust him more than our 2 goofs but nope not getting near my nibbler. Then our 2 we have Trixie who is a Chihuhua/Jack russell mix and Bear who is a Pompoo. Bear is about the only one that I do not think could hurt Nibbler only because he can't even bite his own dog treats well LOL And once Nibbler is an adult will be bigger than little Bear bear LOL. Bear is also the first one Nibbler tears off after, Nibbler LOVES hair!! Lol

Its just best to keep them separate though.

We also have a cat and she could care less about Nibbler. She took one look at the duck and ran off like nope nope nope not even going near that. :p
Yep I would never trust them alone together either. We have my mom's dog which is Captain and is a Rot/Pit mix who thinks he is a teacup size dog LOL, he is a sweet heart and funny enough I might trust him more than our 2 goofs but nope not getting near my nibbler. Then our 2 we have Trixie who is a Chihuhua/Jack russell mix and Bear who is a Pompoo. Bear is about the only one that I do not think could hurt Nibbler only because he can't even bite his own dog treats well LOL And once Nibbler is an adult will be bigger than little Bear bear LOL. Bear is also the first one Nibbler tears off after, Nibbler LOVES hair!! Lol

Its just best to keep them separate though.

We also have a cat and she could care less about Nibbler. She took one look at the duck and ran off like nope nope nope not even going near that. :p
That is funny, my 3 mini dachshunds respect my adult ducks and even my LF chickens but any babies i have to keep completely away from them. My mixed breed med size dog has had a run in with my gander a few times so she cannot be around the geese and it's their fault not hers. So good fencing and long poles for training each to keep their distance when we're all together. How did you get Nibbler I'm sorry but I have forgotten. Did you find him stranded and alone.
Yes my 11 yr old son found Nibbler and a sibling with no Momma in sight and I am pretty sure it was the day they hatched. Both had their eggtooth for a good 4 days from the day we found them. At about a week old nibblers sibling passed away. I honestly do not think that little one was going to survive either way it just wasn't thriving or growing like nibbler was. These 2 little ones though walked up to my son and his friend down by our neighborhood lake and just started following them and our temps were gonna drop into the 40s that night and I told him bring them home, figured they had a better chance at life with us then wandering lost at the lake.
We introduced Nibbler to feeder fish this weekend. He went NUTS over them. At first when I had them all in a bowl he was very reluctant, and didn't want to get near the big bowl so I scooped out 1 and dropped it in his water bowl oh boy that was fun indeed, after a couple more he just started sticking his head in the cup I was using and grabbing them from the cup LOL.

Including a few pics from this weekend, Nibbler is 7 weeks old today. And also attaching 2 videos, the fish one is sooo funny, I could barely breath from laughing.


Wanted to share Nibblers impressive wing span at 10 weeks old. This is a 5 foot kiddie pool :eek: he is gonna be a beast lmao
I take every opportunity I can to show off my babies!!! I have 2 Magpie ducks, started out with 3 but Gigi got taken by a hawk :( I'll include her too because she was full of personality and deserves to be shown off with the others!

The gang as babies taking a bath in their cake pan (since mama duck wasn't with them, I didn't want to risk hypothermia or drowning!)

All three of them last Christmas complete with our light-up Christmas duck! Left to right: Gigi, Elvis, Puddles

And here's my man Puddles cuddling in my lap

I wish I could send all of my pictures of them, but I'll save them for other posts. Finally people who appreciate my basically-children! I think my Facebook friends are getting tired of I love this website!

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