My 1 y Duck sick throwing up

Hi Marco. Welcome to BYC.

Your drake is 1 year old? Did the problem come on suddenly?

I wonder if he has something stuck in his bill or throat. Are you able to hold him and look inside his bill? (You might wrap him on an old towel to help you hold him against your body with one arm and then use your other hand to open his bill and look inside). Its easiest to look with two people: one to hold and one to look.

Or maybe he has an impacted crop. Can you feel his crop at the front low down on his chest? If it is hard, its impacted. It should be soft and squigy even if he has recently eaten
Hi Marco. Welcome to BYC.

Your drake is 1 year old? Did the problem come on suddenly?

I wonder if he has something stuck in his bill or throat. Are you able to hold him and look inside his bill? (You might wrap him on an old towel to help you hold him against your body with one arm and then use your other hand to open his bill and look inside). Its easiest to look with two people: one to hold and one to look.

Or maybe he has an impacted crop. Can you feel his crop at the front low down on his chest? If it is hard, its impacted. It should be soft and squigy even if he has recently eaten
I checked nothing inside,but when I tried to examine his mouth food came out including the food he ate 2 days ago
We got this duck recently less then 3 weeks ,he got sick first week was not able to walk we took him to Vet and he gave him 2 injection 8 days ago was improving still not walking
Now started throwing up
I was not able to get appointment with the vet till tomorrow
Iam not sure if he will survive with food and keeps throwing up
I checked nothing inside,but when I tried to examine his mouth food came out including the food he ate 2 days ago
He must have an impacted crop. I will look on this forum for advice for you. It needs water adding by tube and massaging i have no experience of this but others have and I recall seeing a video likely posted here. You can slso search the forum for impscted crop while i am looking
It sounds complicated with the previous illness

I think you should get a vet appointment, but in the meantime get pedialyte from a pharmacy and offer it in a deep bowl to drink. It comes as sachets that you make up to a solution or in bottles of prepared solution. Pedialyte contains glucose as well as vital minerals and if any is absorbed will give your litle guy an energy boost. After he drinks, massage his crop and try and get it and food to go down rather than come back up

I am tagging another duck keeper who may be able to help with impacted crop

casportpony do you think this duck has an impacted crop? Apart from massaging it, how might Marco duck manage the problem?

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