My 4 year old chicken is sneezing, wheezing, and has a runny nose. What's wrong with it?


Mar 12, 2022
All of the sudden, my 4 year old Maran started to wheeze when inhaling, sneeze often, and has a runny nose. The comb is fine, and there are no growths on the face. I don't know what's going on, please someone help.
It may be early signs of a respiratory disease. There are quite a few, some bacterial, viral, or fungal. Common ones are infectious bronchitis virus, mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) infectious coryza, ILT, and aspergillosis from mold. Testing or a necropsy if you lose one is the best way to identify the disease. Most are contagious and can make carriers of survivors. Only MG and coryza may be treated with antibiotics, but that helps symptoms although doesn’t cure it. Viruses have to run their course. Tylosin, oxytetracycline, and a few others will treat symptoms of MG.

Have you seen any eyelid/facial swelling or eye bubbles foam? Here is some reading about common diseases:
With only the symptoms you are seeing, I would continue to watch her, get her eating and drinking, and make sure that your coop and run are dry and have fresh air ventilation. It may be a virus or fungal infection. It could be that she has inhaled feed. She may have something environmental making her do those things. If I saw eye bubbles or foam, swelling of an eyelid, or the nasal drainage turned thick and yellow, I would consider using an antibiotic such as Tylosin powder or Tylan 50 injectable which treat symptoms of MG.
Ok, she just showed signs of diarrhea and opens her mouth to exhale. I still don't know what's wrong, but her comb has flopped to one side and is turning from a bright red to a more dull or dark red. The whole day she sat in a corner. Any extreme actions I should take?
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Oh I am so sorry. I’m just relieved that she went quick. I hope you are ok. I’m sure your doing the best you can, and that’s all you can do. I hope all the others are ok and also you. I’ll be thinking of you Phantom. 😔

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