My adventures in rabbit breeding

Finally! Woke this morn to a nestbox full of fur. Mama Apple did great there. There were four kits in the front of the box that didn't make it, but I also have 4 that were where they should be buried under fur who seem wiggly, fat and healthy. So, I'm taking this as a very successful first time kindling, even though I'm feeling bad about not checking during the night. I don't think two of the four lost were viable--not peanuts, but looked as if they wouldn't have made it if they weren't stillborn. It was probably in the 30s in the garage, so I wasn't too concerned but will probably keep closer watch next time now that I know when to expect.

When is it best to get some weights on the kits? This morn, I removed the nestbox from the cage entirely to get rid of the messy hay, and only had the live kits out long enough to count and ensure they had been fed. Apple didn't seem to mind me pulling the box out and then replacing it.

Congrats! Glad to hear that Apple did it and that you have some good live ones.

Try not to feel bad about not checking during the night - I felt the same way when I found dead kits, but it's possible that even if you had checked, the kits may not have been born yet. I bet she'll have even more survivors in her next litter.

I don't weigh my kits until they're older, but I do handle the kits right from the get go like you do (and haven't had any issues with the doe rejecting them, etc.).
Congratulations! I'm sorry about the dead kits; some mortality is common with first time mothers, unfortunately. They were probably stillborn.

If you have a sensitive enough scale, you could start weighing the kits now. I occasionally keep track of newborn/few days old kit weights just to make sure they're getting fed. If the mother seems nervous at all, though, it is fine to start weighing them later.
I did pull them today again and weigh them--I have a good kitchen scale meant for ounces that I use for making herb blends. (And being from Colorado I do have to clarify that I play with culinary blends) All 2.3-2.5 ounces with fat little tummies. Mama doesn't seem to mind about me pulling them to check them. I have a red brooder heat lamp hanging above the cage, just to keep above freezing and I set another up to put kits under while I check them so they don't chill.
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Well, the little baby hippos are starting to look like bunnies. So much fun to watch them grow. All four are doing well, and Mama is taking good care of them.


All four little bun-buns are still doing great! Bugging mama and jumping around. They're so funny to watch--almost like they're surprised how far they can jump.


Now today I went to breed my other doe, Paws aka Ms PMS. She's been goofy ever since we got the buck. Some days she's fine and sweet. Some days she growls and bats and won't allow you to reach into her cage. So, I figured it would be no problem to get her bred. But she wasn't all that cooperative. We did get two ok fall-offs from George. But, she would circle a lot, bite toward him a bit, and just not stay put. He gave a valiant effort, but many attempts did not result in fall off, but more that he would try to climb further on top of her.

They were together for about half hour first, and I did try another 20 min or so about three hours later. But I am wondering if she has really been bred, or if we should try again tomorrow, or what?
All four little bun-buns are still doing great! Bugging mama and jumping around. They're so funny to watch--almost like they're surprised how far they can jump.

Now today I went to breed my other doe, Paws aka Ms PMS. She's been goofy ever since we got the buck. Some days she's fine and sweet. Some days she growls and bats and won't allow you to reach into her cage. So, I figured it would be no problem to get her bred. But she wasn't all that cooperative. We did get two ok fall-offs from George. But, she would circle a lot, bite toward him a bit, and just not stay put. He gave a valiant effort, but many attempts did not result in fall off, but more that he would try to climb further on top of her.

They were together for about half hour first, and I did try another 20 min or so about three hours later. But I am wondering if she has really been bred, or if we should try again tomorrow, or what?
They are super cute!

If you saw two fall-offs, you doe's probably bred. You could try again soon if you want more assurance...I like to see three (haven't had a miss yet with three confirmed fall-offs), but two usually gets the job done in my herd.
If you are going to try for multiple breedings, it's usually considered best to do them all on one day. If a doe conceives on the first breeding, she generally won't be interested the second day, and somebody might get hurt. Also, there is the rather rare but still possible situation where the doe releases eggs that get fertilized at one breeding, and then accepts service at a later date, and conceives a separate litter from that second breeding. That doe winds up carrying two separate litters with totally different due dates - not a good situation all ways 'round.
And now it's to the anxious waiting time with Paws. She gained weight and started nesting on time, so George must have done his job.

Day 30--I'm expecting maybe tomorrow evening to be it. Thing is, Paws started nesting, adding about 3" of hay to her box and a bit of fur and then stopped. She hasn't done anything more with it, and grunted at me when I stuck more hay in. I don't know if she feels she did enough--our temps have been mostly good and warm lately. Between 40-70, with barely freezing at night. Or if she'll add more closer to kindling.

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