My baby chick eye is messed up! Please help!

I live in NC. Yes I have others but separated theses two from the others. I actually do have some Tylan 50. How much can I give to a baby chick orally and for how long? I bought them 2 from a feed mill near me. There is blood in their poop yesterday I will check again today. Can I give Corid and Tylan 50 same time?
Tylan50 dose is by weight. 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.
Yes, you can give the Corid and Tylan50 together.
Ok update..... I have tried Corid for 5 days in their water and Tylan 50 oral doses twice a day for 5 days and terramycin in their eyes twice a day for 5 days as well. And still the same no change!!! Still need help please...
Are your birds outside or inside? How is their appetite and weight? I've had this happen to me before and it lasted for a long time, but once the chicks were old enough to go outside, it went away. It may have just been a coincidence though, so take that with a grain of salt.
How are the chicks acting? Are they eating and drinking normally? Is there any improvement or do they act lethargic? You have done the recommended treatments for conjunctivitis, so I would look at how they are behaving.
The 2 baby chickens are growing great and eats and drinks really well...and eats their mealworms and bread. Just makes no sense why their eye just looks like it’s shrinked looking. I wonder if I can put them 2 back with the other baby chicks. They are not quite happy being away from the others.. they are not lethargic by any means. They’re inside.

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