My baby duck is not very energetic and is always falling over


Jan 8, 2016
I bought three baby ducks a few days ago .But they seem to have accidentally drank some soap water .I tried to flush it out of thier systems but unfortunately two of them has passed away.Now I'm left with only one and she doesn't look too healthy.She is always uncoordinated and always seemed to stay in the pool just standing there not walking or anything.Luckily she still drinks and eats but she looks so depressed.Ive been feeding her store bought duck poultry .I was wondering if anyone knows how to make her feel better?
I gave her a friend chick because the store is out of baby ducks and will receive shipment for after some time.
I'm so sorry! That is so tough!! It's good that you got her a friend. I would put a stuffed animal duck/chicken in their cage and just make sure that they are eating and drinking.
. She was sleeping on my lap yesterday.
I took this picture this morning do you think she will be ok?
It's hard to say. Some animals snap back and others never do. Just make sure she has the necessities: warm, nice place to sleep, fresh water, food, and plenty of TLC and there's not much more you can do. I hope she makes it
I know you must have a lot of emotions right now..I'm so sorry you and your poor ducky have to go through this!

Do her and her new friend seem to be getting along? Do they like each other? How close are they? Your duck looks likes she's getting food so that's good.

Would you be willing to take her to a vet nearby? In the second pick she looks a little sad:(
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It seems she is eating and drinking normally but I think she is depressed .Shes not as active as when I first bought her.I guess we would be the same after going through two losses in one day.I hope she will pull through .I will monitor her closely and give her hugs and kisses if she looks down.(She seems to like this,and sleeps more peacefully and wakes up more energetic)
Have you tried to put the Electrolyte supplement in her water? might add a couple drops of organic unstrained apple cider vinegar in the water (soap is a 'base' and can best be countered by an acid like vinegar).. If you don't have access to a 'store bought' Electrolyte supplement, you could add a pinch of raw sugar, baking SODA (not baking powder) and a pinch of salt...depending on the size of the watering bowl, or prepare a gallon jug of DISTILLED water with a tablespoon of each of the items mentioned above (vinegar, sugar, salt, baking soda). PLEASE keep us updated! Also...a stuffed animal at night might help to keep her company.
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Update.Day three she is still eating and drinking normally.But isn't very active .I let her swim around in a bucket for a while and took her out.It seem to improve her appetite a bit .I thought at least she could get some exercise .Although sometimes when I put her on the ground she is still wobly and falls on her back .But she is able to recover by herself after.
Update.She has passed away in her sleep.At least now she can be together with her friends in duck heaven.:(

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