My Backyard Coop and Run~

Here is an Update on my coop. After seeing the four I ran out and picked up 3 more birds. I now have 4 RIR's, 1 Leghorn mix, 1 Black Cochin mix and a Turken. I finished the run as well, it is now fully enclosed with chicken wire and is HUGE!!! The chickens have been spending the days roaming the yard and have cleaned up the bug problem quite well.

Here they are!





HaHa, too funny! I had to take a couple weeks off so I could get the rest of the property back in shape. I haven't had the time to expand the coop yet, but they all seem very happy. The Leghorn had a mite issue on her backside but I have since treated that with DE and everything is clearing up. I will try and post some new pictures of the run, but there are still some extra things for the girls I want to add to it first. I am planning on starting the expansion in the next month and will make sure to keep everyone updated!

The small black cochin mix is quite the flier so I am thinking of adding some roosts out in the run so she can be up high. She is sleeping on top of the nest boxes at night at the top of the coop, which I think is fine since she is so small and the other birds just tower over her. However the other girls are all sleeping on the floor of the coop and I am just curious why they aren't using the roosts, because it is still cold at night?

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