My Basic DIY Incubator

Nice! My friend's red sex links are laying machines. I got my fan from my father in laws old computer
for free...there were 2 in there so I'm already plotting a 2nd bator. Good luck on the elaborate one!
Just put the eggs in! I added an aquarium thermometer to be extra careful, but it is way off. I've decided to trust my digital thermometer over it, because it was accurate with other thermometers in the incubator and other rooms of the house. I'll leave the other one in there to see if it adjusts, but in the meantime I am going by my digital one. I have a really accurate, old-fashioned mercury thermometer somewhere, but I can't find it

Here they are! I'm turning them 5 times a day and re-arranging them a few times daily as well.
I tested both of the thermometers to the one on my turtle's cage (known to be accurate), and the digital one is correct.
On top of the eggs, the temp has stayed pretty steady 100-101 degrees F! (I moved the thermometer to take a picture of the eggs)
I did that last year with a styrofoam cooler just leaving a 12 watt cfl on all the time. My temps stayed consistent the first 18 days doing the dry incubation method, but I didn't practice increasing the humidity before I started. I had trouble with temp inconsistencies once I added water to my dish. I had 4 fertile eggs and none pipped, but all developed fully. One took a few breaths after I tried to help it but didnt make it. I think I may have suffocated the other three because one day I was struggling with temps and trying to increase temp and humidity and blocked all my vents (forgot they need to breathe).
I just got done making my new incubator and put eggs in last Wednesday and am using the same cooler as you. I have a digital temperature controller wired to 2 15 watt candelabra bulbs sourced from a dump chandelier and 2 old pc fans and it is way worth the $15 for not having to watch the incubator so closely as I had to last incubator with the always on light. Turn them by hand 2-3 times a day; candled 4 eggs last night on day 4 and all 4 had veins.

I'm going to try the same thing! Hopefully by this weekend I'll be able to add eggs. Tonight I'm working on testing the temp stability. I built mine back in the summer but never got around to using it. I'm crossing my fingers that the combo of a diy incubator and the eggs setting out in the freezing cold still yields at least a chick or two! It'll be interesting to see what happens with yours also!
I'm going to try the same thing! Hopefully by this weekend I'll be able to add eggs. Tonight I'm working on testing the temp stability. I built mine back in the summer but never got around to using it. I'm crossing my fingers that the combo of a diy incubator and the eggs setting out in the freezing cold still yields at least a chick or two! It'll be interesting to see what happens with yours also!
I've actually had family hatch with even less, somehow! Post whenever you try it, I want to see how others' works out as well! :D What does yours look like?
On the article that I got the idea from, they mentioned that one person got a 100% hatch rate with a clutch of silkie eggs using this method! I doubt I'll get that, but it gives me hope! Another thing is that my rooster seems to be very fertile. Almost every single egg I've cracked since I got him has been fertile. Don't fail me now, buddy!
I told my grandmother she could have any pullets we hatch. She begged and pleaded and threw fits until her husband would buy her a chicken coop! haha so I'm hoping to hatch some girls
Temp stability seems to be fairly easy to get the hang of (so far). I poked small holes in the lid, and I use tape so I can open and close them to adjust the humidity and temperature. Good luck with yours!!
That would be awesome to get 100% hatch rate, I'm crossing my fingers for 1 or 2 to hatch! Your eggs should be good if he's been doing his job! I'm setting 2 girls' eggs and I'm hoping my barred rocks will be fertile because my roo has mostly only been favoring my black australorp girl from what I've seen. He's a buff orpington. What breed of eggs are you setting?

That would be a nice treat for your grandmother so hopefully you get some girls!

I'm using the hole/tape method also. I got a little over zealous with the holes though, oops. Mines a little rough around the edges but hopefully it does the trick! I'm having trouble getting the humidity to be right but the temp is around a good range as long as I have the lid cracked open a bit




I had this tray in the bottom but I'm debating using it or not because I couldn't get the surface as tight as it was supposed to be.
That would be awesome to get 100% hatch rate, I'm crossing my fingers for 1 or 2 to hatch! Your eggs should be good if he's been doing his job! I'm setting 2 girls' eggs and I'm hoping my barred rocks will be fertile because my roo has mostly only been favoring my black australorp girl from what I've seen. He's a buff orpington. What breed of eggs are you setting?

That would be a nice treat for your grandmother so hopefully you get some girls!

I'm using the hole/tape method also. I got a little over zealous with the holes though, oops. Mines a little rough around the edges but hopefully it does the trick! I'm having trouble getting the humidity to be right but the temp is around a good range as long as I have the lid cracked open a bit

I had this tray in the bottom but I'm debating using it or not because I couldn't get the surface as tight as it was supposed to be.

I like how your viewing window is on the side! I like the idea of a tray, too. I'm hoping my handy dandy dish cloth will be enough to keep them from slipping!
I'm hatching eggs from three of my red sexlink hens, Red, Birdie, and Iris, and my rooster is a production red. I'm hoping for good layers :)

Red (one of the mothers)

Fonzie, the father. He has a super sweet personality, hopefully he'll pass that on!

I had to go through several different containers and went with a hospital pee cup (never used for pee!!!) and it's staying between 35-45%. I'm also keeping the room temp at about 78F, which seems to be helping to keep the bator right about 100F.
Pretty birds!

I read that using something with a larger surface area will help get the humidity up, not necessarily more water, so I'm going to try a damp cloth. My humidity was only 16-20% overnnight :/ the temp is hovering around 102 which I want to get down a degree. I still need to test other thermometers to make sure the one I'm using is accurate. How are your eggs going?
Stuck a dish cloth in the water dish as a wick and I think it did the trick! Humidity: 30%, Temp: 100....lets see how it holds up throughout the day :D

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