i had a chicken the passed away about a month ago. I’m telling her background story because her breed seems to have problems. Is there anyone else experiencing this?
This is chicken little. a little disabled chicken that we got. We didn’t know that she was disabled until the other chicks grew and she didn’t. We got her last spring, she was an amazing chicken. She did grow a bit and she was so small that you could just pick her up in one hand. She walked funny and always used her wings to balance. She always had a huge appetite even in her last days, she may have been smaller than the other chickens but her determination was just as big. Since she was so small we named her chicken little.
Another chicken of ours of the same breed passed away less than two weeks ago. We think that she may of had egg binding. But in her lifetime she was very close to chicken little. She loved her a lot. Rest In Peace chicken little and l.b.

Another chicken of ours of the same breed passed away less than two weeks ago. We think that she may of had egg binding. But in her lifetime she was very close to chicken little. She loved her a lot. Rest In Peace chicken little and l.b.