My birds are dying


In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2018
Hello. I have 5 Buff Orppingtons that are 3 years old. Egg production has been practically non-existent since mid-November and one of the birds had looked sickly and very lethargic recently and she died very quickly about 2 weeks ago. Now, I found another one dead this morning. She looked fine previously and gave no indication of prior sickness. I have no idea what's going on and fear for the remaining three. Thoughts?
Wow! thats really strange, maybe something like heart failure? have you been free ranging them? Maybe they are eating a toxic plant? Poison? Do you use weed killer or insecticide in your yard?
I don't really free range them but I do let them out sporadically for a few minutes away a time. And I do have TruGreen as a lawn service but that's not new. That's interesting though.
The best thing to do would be to send the body to your state lab for a necropsy. It's not expensive and will let you know what killed her. The body should be kept cool but NOT frozen until shipping.
The best thing to do would be to send the body to your state lab for a necropsy. It's not expensive and will let you know what killed her. The body should be kept cool but NOT frozen until shipping.
I will look into that. Thank you.

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