My Broiler Project.

Backyard Bob

8 Years
Mar 1, 2013
Within the next year, I will be starting my "Self Sustaining Broiler Project." I have looked into a few breeds to use.
Dark Cornish
Black Copper Marans
Freedom Rangers
HERITAGE Rhode Island Red

If you have another breed you think I should look into, please suggest it in the comments section. My plan is to start out with two breeds. 50 Straight Run chicks of each breed. (If the breeders can hatch that much) Select the best two roosters. And best 10 hens. The better rooster will be in with the hens, and the other will be a 'spare' although, I will probably allow him to hatch some, and see what he can produce.
What I am looking for in a Rooster:
  • Great Breast Size
  • Tallness
  • Fast Grower

What I am looking for in a hen:

  • Good Breast Size
  • Mobility
  • Foraging Ability

This is how I will select my first generation breeding stock. Then, I will hatch 50-100 chicks of each breed. At about 12-16 weeks I will Take the 100-200 chicks and pick the biggest 10 roosters and biggest 20 hens. Allow them to grow out to 20 weeks and select stock greater than my first generation, according to my requirements above.
Now I will cross Fathers on Daughters and Sons on Mothers. Once Again, I will hatch 50-100 chicks of each breed. At about 12-16 weeks I will Take the 100-200 chicks and pick the biggest 10 roosters and biggest 20 hens. Allow them to grow out to 20 weeks and select stock greater than my first and Second generation, according to my requirements above.
Now I take my third generation Roosters of breed A, and cross them on my third generation Hens of breed B. And my third generation Roosters of breed B and cross them on my third generation hens of breed A.

Do you think this will create me a successful, sustainable meat bird?
Do you have any suggestions as to what breeds to use?
I know I am not going to create anything as good as the Cornish X.
The big boys at Universities as well as HUGE private breeders have spent MILLIONS of $$$$$$ and MANY YEARS to create the Cornish X . One has little chance of duplicating this type of feat . I for one have abandoned a half century of selective breeding, culling, etc. from my father ( a Veterinarian) as well as myself in favor of the Cornish X about 4 years ago. Why ? The other breeds as well as their crosses are simply just not cost effective.
As I stated above "I know I am not going to create anything as good as the Cornish X[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]."
I am just doing this as a hobby, and because I don't like how "unchickenly" the Cornish X's are.

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