My broody hen hatched two eggs, what’s next.


5 Years
Apr 15, 2019
My Buff Orpington was sitting on four eggs in an elevated nest box. I was able to move her to a metal dog crate before two hatched yesterday. There are two more she is sitting on. The only spot I could put the crate is on a shelf in the run. I’m unsure what to do not. She will need to come out but will she wait for the other two eggs to hatch? How long do I wait to see if the other eggs hatch? How will I know when she is ready to come out with the chicks so I can move the crate down? I do have food and water in the crate for Mom and babies. Hatching chicks is all new to me so I hope these questions aren’t dumb. I’m attaching photo of where I have the crate . Any response will be greatly appreciated. 8DB40C8B-1225-4FAC-BC62-79179338B06F.jpeg
There’s no need to do that. Put the crate on the ground in the coop, open the door and let her come and go and do her thing. She can raise them right with the rest of the flock; she will protect them and mother them and do the work. The chicks that just hatched don’t need food and water yet, so I would wait and see if the others hatch within the next day or so. Mom knows when the chicks need to leave the nest and start eating and drinking. Just switch your whole flock to chick starter, offer oyster shells on the side for your layers and you’re all set! Or… if your flock is eating All Flock, give that to everyone and continue to offer the oyster shell on the side. Good luck!
There’s no need to do that. Put the crate on the ground in the coop, open the door and let her come and go and do her thing. She can raise them right with the rest of the flock; she will protect them and mother them and do the work. The chicks that just hatched don’t need food and water yet, so I would wait and see if the others hatch within the next day or so. Mom knows when the chicks need to leave the nest and start eating and drinking. Just switch your whole flock to chick starter, offer oyster shells on the side for your layers and you’re all set! Or… if your flock is eating All Flock, give that to everyone and continue to offer the oyster shell on the side. Good luck!
Thanks. I have hens that are curious and keep going to the crate. I assume mom will keep the curious away.
After reading all these posts about broody hens, I’m kinda hoping one of the sexed chicks I get next week will be male & one of my hens will go broody! 😂

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