My broody just hatched at least 2 babies!!! PICS!!


10 Years
May 2, 2009
My little porcelaine banty has been sitting on about 12 eggs, 10 hers and 2 speckledsussex. Didn't really expect any of hers to hatch as my roo is an ee and quite large, but thought maybe the ss would hatch. In my expectation they should have hatched monday or tues., but didn't hear or see anything until this morn. As I looked out my upstairs window into our plastic covered hoop house, ( where she has been sitting in a box) and could tell she was out of her nest, ran down and peeked in and sure enough I saw 1 baby!!
Then I walked away for a second and peeked again and now there are 2!!!!

Was so excited!!! SHe is our first broody in 3 yrs. I'm hoping there are more, but so far she isn't letting us see. Can't wait to find out!!
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I will try to get pics. She is in a very ackward position. Under a table in a box in which we have leaned pieces of tin over to protect her from the sun. I will try to sneak in with the camera.

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