My Call eggs hatched!!


11 Years
Nov 13, 2008
Ashville, Alabama
I have hatched 4 calls now. Here are the little cuties.
2 bigger ones are 2 weeks. the one to the left with brown on its back is one week and the little guy is 2 days


They just got done having lunch. They are wearing most of it on their little faces;)
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You're so lucky! I wanted to hatch Calls until I found out they are impossible to hatch. How did your hatch go? I would be happy if only 2 hatched out of a dozen but I hear they also dont ship well.
I hatched some call eggs last year and they were shipped. I ordered 2 batches, like 18 eggs or so. One batch was completely infertile, so don't count that one. The other one I had like 8 eggs I think and I hatched 3.

And that was my first time incubating, so I think it all depends on the eggs. Don't be put off, but don't spend a ton of money either.
These are my call eggs so I didn't have to have them shipped. One plus!! But I have found them to be extremely hard to hatch. Mine have been 100 % fertile. All 15 eggs are completely developed all but one have pipped through the air sac but from there it goes down hill. They dont make it out of the shell. Now 2 of mine that hatched have zipped all the way around the shell but couldn't pop the top. Once I took the top off everything else went great, the other two pipped a very tiny hole and that was it I had to do the rest. They are healthy and fine. I have one more batch of 6 in they are to hatch Sunday.
Today I am giving 6 eggs to a fellow BYC'r,rnau to see if he has any better luck with them. I love the ones that hatched but it is sad to see the others fully developed pip the air sac and not make it out.
Hopefully Roy will have better luck.

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