My chick hatched, what is this on it's butt?


6 Years
Oct 17, 2015
État du grand lac

Will it be ok? I cleaned off the eggshell and inner membrane. It's bouncing around the incubator like the others, but I don't want it to die. It just started eating and drinking water. Wasn't sure if it was part of the yolk, it's dried up now- do I cut it off?
I wouldn't cut it, it looks like it could be some unabsorbed yolk sac, but if it is dried now it shouldn't be too much of a worry; it should fall off by itself. Maybe separate it if he/she is in with more lively chicks untill it falls off, you dont want them trying to peck it and pull it out.
I checked, it fell off. I put my chicks under my broody hen- before I left for work my two other hens got broody and stole a chick. They got the lil one in between them. hopefully all will be well tonight when I get home from work.
Well my broody Brahma hen - Honey! adopted three of them. One escaped and doesn't want to be adopted - found it hiding in the corner. So now I have one to take care of, hope the lil one makes it.
Moved her from the nesting box - since one decided to jump out and got cold before I found it. Moved them into the dog carrier, it's tall and she's a giant brahma. Gives her room, she has got her wings spread over them. Before I left for work she was calling them to the food dish. I'm so happy they have each other. Sure hope they are hens. My previous batch is four French Copper Maran cockerels from Iowa. Both sets of French Copper Maran eggs were very dark Rose Brown and NPIP certified. Dreaming of selling eggs!
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