my chick is here!!!(how long in the bator)


12 Years
Jun 27, 2007
Hey all my chick hatched sometime in the middle of the night!!! its soo beautiful but i need to know how long to keep it in the bator its a bantam chick the smallest thing i have ever seen lol but the brightest little eyes i just want to make sure i do everything right please help.
Is this the only chick due to hatch? If so, wait until it is completely dry and fluffy, then move to a warm brooder.

If there are more chicks due, leave them in there until the hatch is complete (usually 1-2 days). A chick does not need food for 3 days.

Congratulations on your new baby!! Will s/he be an only child?
You can remove the chick when it is dried out and put in a brooder. Do you know what to do and what not to do when setting up a brooder? A feather duster works well as a surrogate mother/companion but make sure it's a new one and not all dusty!!

thanks! i do have more eggs in there but this will be a only child because i saved this egg the little ones mom was killed by a fox and the other eggs were eaten i grabbed this egg and candled it and saw the baby moving so i put it in the bator and now its hatched! so sometime between last night and this morning it hatched and i just dont want to take it out to early is all also is it normal for them to sit on top of the other eggs? and hold there head up at first then go to sleep for a few seconds then wake up again? thanks.
Yup, your chick sounds perfectly normal. They are a bit narcoleptic for a day or so. I think she will perk up more once she's in the brooder and you can "play" with her all day. hehehe


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