My chicken ate a needle with a head

Oh for goodness sake, I'm so sorry!
I read that a chick had one go through his eye, they were able to remove it and he lived with little to no infection at all. I tried to google for you but, maybe surgery might be your best option. Typically I don't go to euthanasia as a first resort, I never have. It might come out in his/her poop, maybe try quarentining her for awhile so you know her poop from the others poop. Other than that, I dunno sorry!

@Eggcessive, @BY Bob, @anyone who knows more than me?
I don’t have any advice for the needle. It could kill a pullet, but there could be a chance that it doesn’t. A vet might help, the earlier the better before it exits the crop, but mist people don’t want to spend a lot of money on a chicken. I would in the future keep a coffee can or other coccered container near your coop to collect any items found that chickens can get ahold of. My old farm land has always given up pieces of glass, metal, and plastic. Be careful to always pick up strings off feed bags, screws or staples that get dropped while working on your coop or run. Chickens are notorious for swallowing hardware and eating string which ends up bad. I remember a couple of years ago where a chicken was xrayed and had a screw poking through her belly. It eventually came through the skin on it’s own and the chicken lived. Good luck.

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