My Chicken just died

"It's just a chicken."
I hate those words. I have had that said to me mor than once and it's not something easily forgotten. When you lose an named and loved animal it hurts no matter what it is. My bantams are all named pets and 'not just a chicken.' Sorry for the loss of your hen.
Oh, Thank U so much.. It pains me that my friend that got me started with the chicks, will say that, oh Linda " It's just a chicken " .. I so do hate that too... ok... by UR name sake.. " Fizzlesrule " U have frizzles ??? I have 3 and one is such a tiny thing .. a very small girl. I got her & 6 other types in mid Aug. 2 other frizzles.. this girl is sooo small . I worry so about her she eats well, But oh so small. any clue why ?
I have three Frizzle Cochins right now, one red and two black. Spike is actually a smooth cochin rooster that was supposed to be a Frizzle. He is so loveble and cuddly. I used to have a red frizzle cochin named HINGE because he crowed like a hinge. My two hens are LBH and SLINKY.

As for frizzle cochins being small, mine are small. They look bigger than they really are with all those frizzled fluffy feathers. Are yours cochins?
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There are normally places that do necropsy for free. It may not be needed now but is good to know for future reference. Contact the state vet for where to go, or maybe local ag school. Most people recommend freezing until you can take it in.
I am sorry you lost your girl. Any creature that touches your heart is never "just a".
The same thing happened to my little Old English Game Bantam pullet Coal. She was laying fine, was spoiled, and was a house bird. I woke up for school the monday after New Years to find her dead. It looked like she passed away in her sleep. I miss her so much she was just the sweetest little girl. Would cuddle up under your hair and sleep. But atleast she went peacefully hopefully.
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The same thing happened to me a week ago,went out to the silkie coop and my hen was dead on the floor could find nothing wrong and she was firne the day before.I felt so bad
OMG ! I am so sorry 4 UR losses.. Breaks UR heart. Again , am so glad I found this sight.. If my hen was old , I could understand, she passed on. But she wasn't, she was only 5 months old.. But there was a question, she might have been a rooster. Not 100% sure.. but she was so looking like it. But her litter mate a seabright did turn out to B a rooster. I keep saying I am going to let the chicken place know I got 2 roosters. I paid more to have hens.. but no matter... I am happy to B with other real chicken lovers. God bless U all . I am sorry for UR loss's as well
So sorry to hear your "Boots" died. My "girls" are my pets too. My husband also says they are just chickens. Well, they DO have personalities!
I have lost 3 in 4 years. I DO know what happened to mine, however.


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