My chicken shakes its at noises.


Dec 3, 2015
Hello, I am new to all this so if i sound a little uneducated when it comes to chickens please excuse. I have (what i believe) is a Barred Rock, still not sure if it is a hen or rooster, it is around 3 to 4 months old. I got it from my kids school, they were hatcking chicks there and after about a month let some of the kids take them home. Anyways my question is this: ive had this chicken (that by the way i am so in love with) for 2 months now and it just now started shaking its head whenever i talk loud, or if music is loud or the kids are loud. Its never done this before now and ONLY does it when thers noise made. Should i be concerned? Are we hurting its ears when it hears noise? Is this normal?

If you'd like some help determining your birds gender, share a photo with us (up close and full body is best) and we can help. I'm not sure why your bird is shaking it's head with loud noises, maybe another greeter will be able to offer some ideas.

Have you been to the Learning Center yet? There are very good articles there that will help you get off to a great start learning all about your bird:

Thanks for joining us!
Hi and a warm welcome to BYC but sorry the head shaking thing is new to me!

Hello, I am new to all this so if i sound a little uneducated when it comes to chickens please excuse. I have (what i believe) is a Barred Rock, still not sure if it is a hen or rooster, it is around 3 to 4 months old. I got it from my kids school, they were hatcking chicks there and after about a month let some of the kids take them home. Anyways my question is this: ive had this chicken (that by the way i am so in love with) for 2 months now and it just now started shaking its head whenever i talk loud, or if music is loud or the kids are loud. Its never done this before now and ONLY does it when thers noise made. Should i be concerned? Are we hurting its ears when it hears noise? Is this normal?

Welcome to BYC! If you get a picture of your chicken showing the entire body and if you can get a photo of the wing stretched out post it here and we can help. Usually if an animal shakes it's head there could be something stuck in its ear and it's trying to get it out. When it is involved with noise I believe that means that the problem is close to the inner part of the ear making their ear hurt more since it's so close. Not sure what could get inside a chicken's ear at this age other than ear mites but I don't know if chickens get ear mites. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. My assumptions are based on how other animals act when something is in their ear including ear mites. I can't remember though how you would treat ear mites in general, especially in a bird. I'll try and find out more answers for you.
Wish I knew what to suggest but, I don't. Does she seem very nervous when shaking her head? Maybe she thinks its something to be alarmed about.

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