My chicken will not leave home


7 Years
Apr 23, 2016
I have a 12 week old aracurana pullet that will not leave home! And by home.. i mean inside of my house :hmm
When she was a baby her mother kicked her out of the nest and would not accept her back, we decided that we could be her parents.. when she was old enough to go outside we slowly tried to introduce her to the 3 other hens.. but she is petrified of them she only goes out of the back door now when i go outside! And when i walk back in she comes flying around the corner after me :barnie! I want her to live outside with them.. but im really attached to her and she is really attached to me!! She screams and crys at night if i leave her by herself she wants to sleep on a chair in my bedroom on her blanket.. will she ever grow up and leave home or will i have to accept the fact that she thinks she is a human and let her live inside :idunno .. i slighty feel like i have made a huge mistake bringing her in when she was a baby :hit
Yes yes you have created a monster ...
But she’ll learn to live outside’ll have to be tough and so you don’t worry maybe treat her a little differently and build up her confidence..and yours :love

I introduce new chicks to my existing flock by using a small run and coop inside my existing set up’s one of those cheap triangle ones with a little attached run...I put corn both sides of the wire so they eat together but are separate and safe . With this set up even if she shouts you’ll know she’s fine.
After a week I add lots of distractions in the free ranging paddock , hanging cabbage ..dried worms in dig pits...fat balls...she’ll be eager to get out and be with the other chickens hunting for treats.

Time for tough love...she needs to be a chicken now :thumbsup
Awww my heart really goes out to you! If you want to keep her as an indoor pet, it is something some people do...they even sell diapers for indoor birds! Either way, locking her away alone will be stressful. Chooks don't do well as lone birds. If you don't want her with you, you may try sneaking her into the coop at night, or get a cage/crate and place her out in the coop to get her sleeping with the others and hopefully integrate her into the flock. There is a process for doing it and there are some great threads for introducing new birds to existing flocks around the BYC site.
She has you trained well! :) Here's the thing: YOU are the human. If you want your chicken to live outside, you put her outside. Chickens hate change, and will not voluntarily do so on their own. She'll stay in the house with you as long as you let her. If you want her to move outside, read up on integration and move her out.
here is the monster we are speaking of.. looks like she knows shes spoilt
I have a 12 week old aracurana pullet that will not leave home! And by home.. i mean inside of my house :hmm
When she was a baby her mother kicked her out of the nest and would not accept her back, we decided that we could be her parents.. when she was old enough to go outside we slowly tried to introduce her to the 3 other hens.. but she is petrified of them she only goes out of the back door now when i go outside! And when i walk back in she comes flying around the corner after me :barnie! I want her to live outside with them.. but im really attached to her and she is really attached to me!! She screams and crys at night if i leave her by herself she wants to sleep on a chair in my bedroom on her blanket.. will she ever grow up and leave home or will i have to accept the fact that she thinks she is a human and let her live inside :idunno .. i slighty feel like i have made a huge mistake bringing her in when she was a baby :hit
View attachment 1314684 here is the monster we are speaking of.. looks like she knows shes spoilt
:lau Such a diva!
Adopt a few new chicks (or other fowl), and make them bond, then move them all outside in a few weeks.
No, you don’t have to wait until they are 8-weeks.
Personally, I'd put them outside and make them bond out there. But it won't work with new babies. OP would have to find chicks similar to the same size as the spoiled diva in the house. :lau
She knows, you saved her life. She feels safe, special and is bonded to you as your child. She thinks she is a non-chicken. There is no mirror, except you. If she became broody, or you can trigger it by moving her to a nesting box with some 'day old fertilized eggs' in the nesting material and place her on top. Remember, she's special, so use some of her 'blanket' cut up into smallish pieces, enough so she can have the scent of it under her. If you wanted to calm her take a t-shirt you have worn enough so your scent is on it and with some painters tape etc... tape the t-shirt behind her and then tack a few nails into the tape to hold it in place. Move her during the night, when it is dark, in order for this to possibly work. You might have try this a few times. Simulate some of the stongest scents from your room and have a clock nearby, so she can't see it but hear it (simulating your heartbeat). Your t-shirt scent=safety and the ticking=your nearby.

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