My chickens are not laying

the fether farm

7 Years
Dec 1, 2012
I have had chickens for 20 years and never seen a year like this. I have 30 hens and thay are molting, And I did interduce 8 new hens this week, but the lack of eggs is greater then I have ever seen. We have gotten cold early this year and so dry out. With the cold and dry wether, and new hens, and molting things do not look so good for awile. I started my flock on cat food dry and black sunseed, plus a conditioner. I mix this with my egg lay add orster shell and cracked corn. Thay just love it and there fethers are doing great. Molting goes from 2-4 months. So for those of you all going through this I do fell for you, but you are not alone. This is a hard season for our feather friends.
My hens don't lay when it's winter or they are molting. Basically the nutrients they get from their food goes to developing feathers and keeping them warm. None of my hens are laying except the young pullet that hatched this June.

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