My Chickens are so mean :/


8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
They are all bullying one of my SLW(Cinderella), now she just stays in the coop, yesterday she stayed in the coop all day, when my mom brought them all down treats, she didn't even come out, so my mom brought them in for her. I feel so bad, when my mom went down today Cinderella tried to come out of the coop and immediately the others flew to her and jumped on her and pecked her. I don't know what to do, I am not going to send all the others away, and I don't really want to send her away either because she is really nice and sweet. I will if I have to, but I really dont want to... :(
Is Cinderella new to the flock? They will beat up the new chickens until they establish a "pecking order." You should separate them until they get to know each other over the fence (if that is the case).

It sounds like you need more space. Chickens, especially laying hens have extremely high energy. Especially when they are laying. You can try enriching their environment with things like a head of cabbage or other treats to peck. Or lots of different roosts everywhere.

Extra waterers and feeders help a lot when you have someone being picked on. Make sure you put them far away from each other.

There will always be an omega or runt in the flock, but, if everyone has enough space and food it won't be a bad situation even for the runt.
Cinderella is not new, she has been part of the flock since a chick, when I got the rest of them. I see what you say about them not having enough space, but even when I let them out in the yard they bully her, i just went down to give them treats and she didnt even come near!(i did give her some just for her though.)When my mom let them out today, the others jumped on her and pecked her. I am starting to think maybe the best way to solve this would be to seperate her and build a new little coop like a tractor coop. So my question now is, will she be okay on her own?
It seems like they are all being mean, and i will try :) thanks for the help

Yes... Personally, separate her and another low pecking order hen out, and give them their own coop and run area. Maybe get another SLW pullets that's younger and pair them up...
Could she be ill? Birds seem to sense these things and will pick on the weakest one. This happened with my one of my girls. It distressed me almost as much as it did
my Sunny. Hopefully if you can separate them with a screen, they can still see each other but can't harm Cinderalla. Best of luck to you.
Take Cinderella out of the coop with the ones that are attacking her. Even if you have a little pet carrier, to put her in. That way you can watch her to make sure that she isn't ill.

IMO being a lonely chicken is better than being pecked by the rest. Sometimes chickens dislike chickens that are unlike themselves in color or size, or age.....

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