My chickens hate their coop!

Hello all,

Last year my small flock of 6 was taken out by predators (possibly raccoons). This year we purchased 11 chickens, 1 rooster, and 4 ducks. And I’m needing help on upgrading my coop because I’ve ran into some obstacles.

First off, my chickens won’t go in the coop at night. It started over a month ago with 3 of them at night roosting ON the run. But for the past couple of nights ALL of them are roosting in the trees like 10 feet in the air. I’ve tried all the tricks in the book to teach the original 3 where to go, but now since more and more are joining them, I’ve concluded that there’s something they do not like about my coop. Not enough space? Too hot at night? Temperature around here is 70-75 at night.

Second, my ducks won’t go into their duck house. We built on more run, using the frame of an old swing set and at the end of it attached a duck house(therefore sharing the run with the chickens). They’ll go into the run on their own at night but not as early I would like. I shoo them in around sunset but they’ve stayed out as late as 10 pm if I let them. The duck house is definitely too small for them (I was only expecting 2 ducks not 4)

Third, I need to predator proof it. I was hoping the attack last year was a one off since my set up has been fine the years prior, but a couple of nights ago something came and got my rooster (who sleeps in the run with the ducks) and so now I’m down one bird. I should note, that since the attack I have been putting the ducks in the main coop since it’s more secure.

I’ll post pics below but I’m using a wooden playhouse with a run built into the side made of pvc pipe, an old swing set, and chicken wire. The play house is about 7 ft by 5 ft(I don’t have exact measurements so that’s my best guess) Is this enough space for 15 chickens and ducks? Is 75 degrees too hot? Should I make a second coop for the ducks? Im aware I need to find something better than chicken wire, possibly hardware cloth, but what kind of frame would be best?
What would be some designs/plans that you would use? Please help! Thanks so much 😄
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