My chickens have a strange behavior I've never heard of before...


10 Years
May 2, 2009
The Redwoods of California
If I speak to them they give a little rapid shake of the head. I experimented with this: if I speak in a low voice they shake their heads. If I speak in a high voice they shake their heads. If I am loud, they do it, and if I'm quiet they do it. Some do it a lot, and some do it rarely. Sometimes it's funny- I walk into the henhouse in the evening when they're all roosted, and I say "OOOOHHHHHH" and practically EVERY CHICKEN IN THE ROOM SHAKES HER HEAD AT THE SAME TIME! I have no idea why they do it! You try it, I'm curious to see if yours do the same! Has anyone ever heard of this behavior before, and if so, please explain!!!!!
Some people have different theories with this. My hens do it too.
There was another thread regarding this recently...Dunno where it is.
so funny!! my cockatiel was "whistling" the other day and my son's girlfriend staring imitating him, every time she would whistle he would SQUAK like "shut up" it's my song...this went on for about 10 min, was hysterical!!

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