My chickens head turned blue!

But why would it bruise her whole face including waddles on the top?

Just like when you get a bruise the blood spreads out in between the layers of tissue. Depending on how bad the bruise is(how much blood there was) will affect how large the bruise appears. The head in any animal is very vascular and bleeds a tremendous amount. I also believe if her waddles weren't physically attacked that the bruising in them will be from gravity drawing the blood down.
Bruising is normal from trauma, and in chickens looks like green skin. I don’t think tea tree oil is safe in full strength on chickens. Someone else used that recently on a hen and had some discoloring with skin, so I don’t know if that is common. But your hen just looks like she was really clobbered. She should heal fine, but I would confine her to a wire dog crate with food and water, so the others can all see her, but she will stay safe. That way she remains part of the flock. I would try to find out if she is showing signs of illness, or if there is a bully that needs to be separated. Have they all been together for a long time?
I agree it seems to be bad bruising and should heal. If it worsens keep an eye on it.

Continue the Neosporin without pain relief. I hope yours is without pain relief and consider some blue kote for when she's ready to go back.

Also what breed are your other birds? Is she your only bantam? Do you have a rooster/cockeral?

Is there any chance this is predator related?

Yes, I double checked: the neosporin I have has no pain relief in it. Her head is no longer blue (they really must heal faster than us cuz that was a short term bruise). She IS my only bantam hen. My rooster is a bantam cochin like her- the other 3 hens are standard size: red sex links, black star.
I had posted about the fact that she got badly bullied somewhere on this board before but I couldn't find it so I just quickly posted the question about her head turning blue....the back story is that this little cochin, Ruffles, has had crop problems for several months has been away from and thus rejected from the flock. During the days she stays in a sectioned off area of the chicken yard- right next to the others but out of their reach. They had all been tolerating each other better recently though: I let them all out to forage together and they just go separate ways (sometimes they may chase her off with a little peck on the head). And then this happens: she gets jumped- BAD. So, it is definately, unfortunately, my other mean chickens and not some predator.

But thank you all for your quick responses and info! It's very scary to wake up and see your poor beat up chicken suddenly has a blue head and you have no idea why!

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