My chickens sleep piled up like puppies. Is this normal?

Well, add mine to the chickens who like to pile. They too like to sleep on the ledge outside their nesting boxes. I was worried about this in the beginning when they moved up there, but I just let them be, they are happy birds! I have only 9 birds and 36 nesting boxes! They have picked their spot to sleep and that's that.

My husband says they are a "clumping species", and actually this is quite true. The closer the better---it fools the predators into thinking that they are one GIANT bird!

They are sure to stay warmer this winter all snuggled up. And I love the "cooing" sound they make when they are all settled and happy. I go out and sit with them every night just to enjoy this sound.
Mine did that when they were little, we added a tiny little roost and they decided that was MUCH better - so they started to roost at night at around 2 or 3 weeks.
Mine are just shy of 12 weeks and do the same thing. They love to just cuddle. During the day they will perch on an old ladder in their run, but that's the extent of their "roostiing." I was worried about this too recently, and I'm relieved to see so many people have chickens that also cuddle.

I love the clumping theory (so they look like one huge bird!)!
I thought mine were weird too, I have 13 chix, 6 months old and only2 roost. I have 5 nest boxes and the standard cochins lay their eggs on the floor, too.

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