My chickens suddenly started running away from my baby chicken!!!


In the Brooder
May 20, 2021
Earlier this month, I was given a loving mother hen, who was a rebel chicken, who doesn't follow the flock. She laid 7 eggs, and in just 23 days, she had 7 chicks. They lived a peacefull life. Whenever the neighbor's white chickens stopped by the rebel chicken, they would admire her kids. All was well.

But then one day, Mochi amd Moco, and their siblings, who were the neighbor's dogs, trooped the coop and broke past the electric fence, and slaughtered many of my 113 chickens.Now only 13 remain. Mochi and Moco also killed the rebel chicken and her 3 of her children. Before my chick turned 3 weeks old, 3 more of her siblings were killed. To escape death, my chick ran away, and I adopted it.

I introduced my chick to the rest of my chickens (Hopefully, Mochi an Moco, the neighbor's dogs didn't attack this time), but in response to the chick, all the chickens kept running away from the chick! Last time, when I called the chickens, they would come to me. Now they just attack me for no reason! Please tell me how to get my old buddies back, and be good parents 😞
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Sounds like a lot of stress for your birds. Give them time to calm down and feel safe again. Hopefully you are able to keep the neighbors dogs out of your yard.
Good news, my neighbor's dogs are out of my yard. bad news, my chickens are now more aggressive than ever, but do not attack me. When I again introduced my baby chicken to the other chickens, two of them actually showed some interest in the chick, 1 of them strutted away, but the other 10 of my 13 chickens treated my baby chick insolently and tried to kill it, but I drove them away from the chick. What am I going to do with them?
The chick is too small for the adult chickens and can get hurt severely. Without the mother protecting the chick it is not a good idea to integrate it solemnly. With more chicks as compagnion you could create a separated coop with small openings where chicks can go through but the big ones not .

Do you have another chick of the same age age to keep them seperated until thetly are full grown?
The chick is too small for the adult chickens and can get hurt severely. Without the mother protecting the chick it is not a good idea to integrate it solemnly. With more chicks as compagnion you could create a separated coop with small openings where chicks can go through but the big ones not .

Do you have another chick of the same age age to keep them seperated until thetly are full grown?
No. My chick's original mother and her siblings were killed when my neighbor's mean dogs attacked my farm, killing 100 of my 113 chickens and they also stole and destroyed most of my crops.
I’m very sorry :hugs :hugs . It must have been terrible to see that most of you’re chickens where killed.

But its not a good idea to put this chick in the same coop and run where the remaining flock stays. Can you buy more chicks of the same age? And keep them separate until they are almost mature? It would be nice if this chick can grow up with a few brothers and sisters.
I didn’t understand what happened the first time i read you’re story. Its so strange. And I’m not a native English speaker. Now I’ve read it again. And a second time with the help of google translate. It’s all so very strange. How can 2 dogs kill 90 chickens in a few hours time?

You’re flock must have been badly traumatised. And it takes time to heal.

What I stil don’t understand is how the 3 siblings of the chick got killed some time after the dog attack. But maybe that doesn’t really matter anymore now. The problems you have to adress now is what to do with the chick. And how to get the chickens to act normal again.
And how to make 100% sure the dogs stay out of the chicken territory.

The older chickens need time to heal their senses. Within a week or two they will act quite normal again. The chick can’t stay with the adults. IMO You have to find a way to add a few new chicks or you have to sell this 1 chick.

I wish you lot’s of luck and wisdom for all the needed processes/work to be done. 💗

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