My chickens wont stop pecking each other!!!! :/

Jan 12, 2021
Ok, third post of the hour!

One of my chickens is being abused by their fellow chickens in her coop. I'm not quite sure if it's worse or better than it was but any help is much appreciated. She used to have a ring of feathers missing around her neck, unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture. Now she has a hole in the back of her neck (not a real hole!!) of missing feathers. I'm really worried she might get pecked at to death but I'm not sure if this is the other chickens way of saying they're starting to leave her alone or trying to kill her. Any ideas on how to stop it? I looked further at her feathers on her neck by lifting them a bit and they seem damaged (compared to the other chickens) at the root too, not just the top layers. The pictures are not very good and don't really show much but they don't like to hold still.

IMG_20210106_141652673_HDR.jpg IMG_20210106_141654853_HDR.jpg IMG_20210106_141704885_HDR.jpg IMG_20210106_141715824.jpg (here are some photos hopefully it's obvious which one I'm talking about because I don't know how to specify :p )

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