My chicks are shipping tomorrow...can't wait!!!!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
Just a few more days and they will be here. Too, too excited.
So where did you order them from?
What breeds did you purchase?
How many of each breed?

And of course, you will need to post pictures.

Remember it could take 2 or 3 days for them to arrive. Did you call your local Post Office and let them know they were coming and perhaps ask them to call you when they arrive so you can go pick them up rather than waiting for them to be delivered to your house?
I've been so jealous of everyone getting babies and excited for everyone too. I was getting the brooder all set up, testing the temp, etc. and DH says "This is like Christmas for you, isn't it?" YES!!!
I ordered from McMurray: 10 Salmon Faverolles and 15 Partridge Rocks.
I will alert the PO tomorrow.
Oh to hear the peeping soon....
and best of luck to those with babies too.
How exciting! Those are 2 of my favorite breeds. My chicks are supposed to come tomorrow too and my turkeys on Tuesday. Can't wait!
Hi Spires6, I too have turkeys coming the day after the chicks arrive and baby quail this weekend. My house will be full again!!! The poults were supposed to be here last week but my order got bumped to this week. Busy, busy...
My chicks were supposed to be here last week and got bumped to tomorrow. Here's to a happy chick day tomorrow.

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