My Chicks Eat Christmas... Trees that is!


10 Years
Jun 13, 2009
Before Christmas I tried feeding the birds the trimmings of our Christmas tree.... They love it. I hang 1 or 2 2' branches on the wall in the coop in a day or two the pine needles are gone. The birds have scraps, other treats and plenty of food, but they really enjoy CHristmas **tree that is**. Give it a try, you'll be impressed - the birds will be happy you did....
I was wondering about this, I thought about leaning the tree up in their pen for them to explore. I didn't think they would actually eat it. I guess that could be dangerous. I don't think our tree was painted but if they really went to town and ate a lot of it at once, if I did put the whole tree in, that might mess things up. Hmm.
Pine trees contain a lot of chemicals. That's the reason for the strong smell. I'd be careful giving too much of it fresh. Dried needles have lost most of the chemicals and I know a few people do use fallen pine needles as bedding in their coop.
Pine is a natrual dewormer. Chickens will eat pine needles and it will not harm them in the least. Ours free range and eat lots of pine an cerdar leaves and needles. Have yet to have a sick chicken from it. Now if tree is sprayed with anything be it color, fake snow or pine ordor i would not let chickens eat it.
We have a 60 year old pine in our side yard and the top fell off in the recent blizzard. Even though its main branch was bigger around then most of the trees in our yard (I needed two hands around it to get a good grip) I managed to drag it into the chicken pen figuring the girls would hide in it. They picked the edges CLEAN! Since its such a huge limb and we got more snow after that blizzard, half of it was buried so I dug it out and flipped it over and now the girls are all over it again. I was worried about the sharp needles, the pine sap etc so I'm glad I found this thread. We don't let them run free in winter since we live in a state park and the fox has DECEMATED our flock in past years (This year we've only lost 2!) so I love giving them grass clippings and other garden debris but it's tough this time of year. When that top fell off all I could think of was getting the piece into the pen for the girls!
I put my blue spruce Christmas tree in the run for wind protection & they've eaten most of the needles. I have been wondering if that is why they have not been laying real great. Haven't investigated the possibility though. Really didn't think they would eat the needles like they have.

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