My chicks LIVE!!!

Going to add a chicken cam so I can check on them when I'm not home. Can't wait! But first I have to actually finish coop. But got distracted by building a quail pen.
It keeps going down and I am using I need to figure out how to host it form my computer, does anyone know how?
I use to host my broadcast. They have free hosting software you can download too. I have a wireless camera out in the coop. Seems to work great. I was able to watch my chicks when I put them out in the coop for the first time. They are 5 1/2 weeks old now and they are going in and out and are hardly ever in the coop except when something scares them or they get cold. They are so cute when they are all snuggled down at night sleeping under the heat lamp. I will move the camera out in the run when they get a bit older.

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