My chicks seem to hungry all the time.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
Is it normal for 6 week old chicks to eat constantly? What is appropriate to feed them other than starter feed?
They do get to free range every day for a little bit. They do eat their starter feed, but aren't terribly interested in it.It is available all the time I have given them rice and chopped zucchini and when I do it is like they haven't eaten for days. There I such a feeding frenzy.
Sometimes they like their food better if it is moistened a little. Maybe some of the zucchini finely chopped can be mixed in. Chicks get spoiled quickly like kids. After they taste treats they don't want regular dinner anymore.

Are you raising meat birds, or just layers?. Meat birds consume tremendous amounts of feed due to their rapid growth from egg to dinner plate.
Sometimes they like their food better if it is moistened a little. Maybe some of the zucchini finely chopped can be mixed in. Chicks get spoiled quickly like kids. After they taste treats they don't want regular dinner anymore.

Are you raising meat birds, or just layers?. Meat birds consume tremendous amounts of feed due to their rapid growth from egg to dinner plate.

They will be for eggs. Good idea to mix stuff with their feed. Thanks.

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