My chicks will be here soon! AgH I need Coop Help!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
HeLLoOoOo from FL BYC!!

So, I ordered some chicks about a month ago and was looking at some smaller coop designs that would work for my new 3 Black Australorps.. I was just informed that I will be getting laid off from work next week and can no longer afford the elaborate coop I had intended

But that's not my chicks fault! So I wanted some input on smaller coop designs that would be comfortable for my hens and conventional.. (Pics if you have any
hehe )
I live in a suburban area and would prefer a design that will not be intrusive to my neighbors backyard view.. I also plan to have them free range as much as possible.. Basically just need a small coop/run for them that could be moveable (I would like them to have open ground to scrounge for bugs while cooped up) while i'm at work.. And of course, since i'm on a "New" budget, reusable materials will probably be my new best Any ideas fellow BYCers? I'm so thankful to have found this site!! Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry to hear about your lay off

I am new to this and in the process of getting a coop plan together - I have found some low cost materials on Craig's List and also at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore - they sell unused building materials from their projects - you might be able to find one near you if you google it.

I have seen lots of posts about using pallet wood to make coops - and I have noticed pallets out by dumpsters behind some local automotive stores - you may be able to find materials that way?

Good luck!!
Welcome to BYC from Nevada! You do not need anything fancy, especially for only 3 chickens. An old shed, a dog house, just about anything you can get used or donated would work for the time being. You can build something nicer when your situation improves. Just add a roost to whatever you use and make sure there is venting near the top and that you can close it up tight at night to protect your gals from predators and you'll be fine.
Good luck!

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