My "City" Coops...

Poulets De Cajun

11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Houston MetroMess, Texas
Well they are chicken condos actually. Both are bi-level, with a ramp between the two levels. I am using them as 4 separate pens at the moment.

This one is a 4x4 double decker with will be used for my buff breeding birds next season. It currently holds my lavender breeding program.

Le Chalet de Poulet


And of course this is my big coop, which i've posted pictures of elsewhere. Its a 4x8 double decker, also with a ramp. Its currently housing my white breeding program on the top level, and my youngsters that are growing out down below.

L'auBerge de Poulet

They are cute. I like the double decker idea, thats what I am doing with my pens, ducks on bottom chickens on top LOL

The poultry netting has always worked fine for me. It keeps large predators out, and snakes and mice are going to get in no matter what kind of wire I have on there, unfortuntely!

I dont like harward cloth because it obstructs the view into the pens. From a distance, the small squares look like a big gray screen to me. And there is nothing I can't stand more than not being able to see my chickens when I look out the window. I strategically place my coops so that no matter which window I look out of on the back of the house, I can see my coops. I also like to sit on my deck in the afternoons and just watch them. Hardware cloth makes that hard.

If I ever do change the wire though, I'm going to use the 1"x 2" welded wire that is commonly used for rabbit hutches. The problem is that it is SOOO expensive these days Its like $2 a foot for 24" widths at our feed store!
Do you have a dels down there? I got mine 3ft by 100ft for around $100 here. Thats what I used for my pens. Opps nevermind, I saw you said 1x2, wow thats big hun. :eek:

Also, when I had alot of my parrots I hated them in the white or stainless cages much like what you mentioned above its really hard to see them so when I bought my case of more cages I chose black powder coated cages, you might try painting the wire a darker color so you can see them. I spray painted one of the quail cages I made in a battery style set up black so I could see them better it worked!

I have lost chickens to big predetors, them raccons, grabbing through the 1x1 inch chicken wire and taking there heads off. My new pens are made with the 1 inch by half inch hardware cloth. I have a couple spots painted with my red paint compliments of the kids trying to help me, but it takes the glare off the wire so you can see the birds better, and I know they are safer, I have even lost them to rodents in the 1/2 x 1/2 inch hardware cloth.

Anyway I think they are cute! You did a great job!

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