My completely free chicken coop * pic heavy

Hey Don't sell yourself short. That looks great!!! You should be proud of it and you were able to use all recycled materials.
Great Job!!
Good job, alexysmommy. Most farm chicken coops look like yours. I always thought that's what they are SUPPOSED to look. Very nice.

I would like to make a suggestion if I may. The table-top door is an excellent idea and makes a nice big door. But, in time, the hinges will give out with all that weight hanging on them 24/7. I suggest that you nail a short piece of 2x4 horizontally to the wall under the table top on the right side. Make sure the 2x4 is tight up against the bottom edge of the table top. Kind of like a little shelf ledge. This will allow the weight of the door to bear on the 2x4 and remove some of the stress from the hinges. After a little while you may have to lift up on the door slightly to swing the door open and closed. This will tell you that the 2x4 is doing it's job.
Wow - I've spent between 200 and 300 without that kind of results, but I didn't have an old barn to hit for materials either. Seriously it looks great. I really admire your long metal feeder there. Mine are pretty primitive. but I do have some sheet metal I could recycle, if I could figure out how to do it..

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