My Coop and upcoming run. Looking for advice


6 Years
Jun 7, 2013
Hello everyone. So my fiance surprised me for my birthday by building me a Chicken Coop :) She was opposed to the idea when I brought up a while back and decided it actually sounded really fun/cool and built it for me
Here it is

So we need to paint it and its a total of 2.5x3feet inside the coop. Should be enough for the 2 chickens I plan to start with. So the questions that I have is on a run. I would like to do a run for the chickens, as I can get it built fairly quickly and go get my chicks while we kinda take our time building our 6 foot backyard fence.

I have a few options here. The first is basically build, effectively, a box around the coop. Say 5 feet wide(the roof sticks out about 4ft 3 inches so needs to be at least 5 feet wide) but say 8 feet long. Attach the wiring(not the chicken wire but the other stuff everyone seems to suggest that I can't remember the name for) and add a door. Have it be about 7 feet tall for ease of access in to the run/coop.
That doesn't sound too difficult.

Or I could just do like a tunnel off the coop to a small run. 7ft by 3ft nowhere near as tall. My only problem with that idea is it seems like cleaning the run would be more difficult as I plan to use sand both in the coop and the run.

Is there another good option that I missing that doesn't involve building a 4ft by 8ft box that will still be pretty easy to clean?

As i get this all going I"ll have to post status updates with pics and what not as I would like to get this done fairly quickly.

Oh, another question. If the run won't be completely level to the ground, due to my backyard being slightly bumpy, any suggestions for keeping the sand IN the run and not also all around the coop/run?

Thanks everyone for anyhelp

your idea of the 7 foot tall run is the best. it needs to be at least 20 square feet of useable space for the birds. any extra is great.

personally I would build a 8x10 enclosure 6 feet tall. (3 foot wire is a lot cheaper than 6) it could be a 2x4 frame you shouldn't have to set any posts so it would be moveable. at lowes, menards, or home depot you should be able to buy 3 foot wide 1x2 wire (1x1 is better if you can find it) make sure its 18-16 gauge. run this around the bottom 3 feet, and poultry netting on the top 3 feet and over the roof. we have dogs that help keep the ground animals away, I lose way more to hawks than coon.

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