my coop is simple...


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
any of you looking for an easy way to make a chicken coop? my chicken coop is simple and works great! here are some pics. it keeps my chickens and chicks safe and comfortable.


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Are you talking about the run or the coop?

americana-chick - It looks great to me! Thanks for sharing!

I would assume he is talking about the run. That is some pretty big openings in the wire!
I have panels on some of my runs. They are lined with chicken wire to keep them in. I use it for baby chicks.
ya my fence has chicken wire around it so it is sturdy and safe

but i dont even let my chickens go out there at night. if you see on the picture above the chickens door there is a mettel panel that slides down whenever i take out the pin below it. so yes, it is definatly pradetor proof.

thanks! i cant wait to see your chicken coops!
Are you talking about the run or the coop?

americana-chick - It looks great to me! Thanks for sharing!

I would assume he is talking about the run. That is some pretty big openings in the wire!

Yes, SHE, Shellie was referring to the large goat fencing and chicken wire.
My dog would tear that apart in 15 minutes flat. Plus, there's no netting on top. We've got loads of hawks here. Probably just as many owls too.

But I like the coop and run, it's very nice.
I would assume he is talking about the run. That is some pretty big openings in the wire!

Yes, SHE, Shellie was referring to the large goat fencing and chicken wire.
My dog would tear that apart in 15 minutes flat. Plus, there's no netting on top. We've got loads of hawks here. Probably just as many owls too.

But I like the coop and run, it's very nice.

Sorry Shellie...didn't look at the username. My bad!
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