My coop smells like a Pig Pen


14 Years
May 16, 2008
North GA
We have had rain forever it seems like and my coop smells like a pig pen. We need the rain but I can't stand the smell. Looks like its going to be a wet Christmas around here. Yuck!
yuck here is humid and misty outside....i worry when the weather does like this because usually something bad ice later
I'm having issues for the first time here. Days and days of rain have made the place a mucky, gross mess. I've changed shavings three times, scoop poop every morning and use DE. Still, I again have an ammonia smell in the coop, which is entirely due to the humidity (well, plus a few more birds in the main coop than should be). All vents and windows are open and I have a small fan blowing air OUT all day long. Still isn't what I like. And Sweet PDZ didn't touch it, either. Rain, rain, go away! And I dont care if we need it, either.
crickets are singing here and oh the moisture. I have opened windows in my coop too. Today for the first time I smell some ammonia. It will be colder next week so maybe that will help. I hate to fuss about the rain. We need it but can't it just come and then the sun come out and dry off the top inch of soil.
Ahhh sounds like you have a flock of the extremely rare oink'nchook aka the pig chicken..... very stinky indeed ...
Humidity is the reason I do not do the deep litter method. I can not stand the smell. I noticed today for the first time the old coop has a smell to it. Time to clean it out again. The new coop with the sand floor has no smell at all. I really think thats the way to go around here. We have been getting rain as well and now today it was 82. Yuck. Where did winter go. Our duck pen was as slippery as ice when I put them away tonight. No mosquitos here but those sand gnats are really bad .
You could be up here in Iowa where we have a winter storm warning. High of 17 today and snow and lots of ice on the way.

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