My current flock

Hey ur flock is so cute but I have new baby's too and I was wondering if u have any tips on introducing them

Hi I know that every flock owner has different way to introduce young chickens to the rest of the flock but i started to showing them to my older girls when they were big enough to not get killed by older birds.

-at first I let them know each other from safe distance (i have smaller chicken coop for new birds with fence made of durable net.

-When I let them be together in one coop I am observing if older hens are not pecking them too much (well they always will peck them a little because new hens are going to be on the bottom of pecking order at first)

-watch out if you have older and younger rooster because they may fight, rooster usually accepts new hens but may have problem with cockerel

-they are going to have problems with letting new hens on their roost so some owners roccomand putting young hens on the roost when older are sleeping but I never tried this one

-at first I am giving them food in two different corners of their run because older doesn't want new hens near their food

-some older hens may accept new ones without much problem, but some may be more aggressive towards them
Hi I have another news, good news this time. One of my babies (that are not babies anymore) start laying eggs about a week ago :D
Now her eggs are small but I'm so happy :D

Now you can see the difference :D On the left Nephrite's egg, on the right Hei Hei's egg (she is 3 years old)
And here she is my small star - Nephrite

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