My dang rooster is a meanie to one of my hens. He attacks her if she comes close to the flock.


In the Brooder
Nov 13, 2019
Yesterday when I opened the pen door to let the chickens free range The rooster went first and two hens followed. I thought I will just lock the rooster out for the day and give the other 9 chickens a peaceful day without the rooster. It worked wonderfully! Smarty (the hen that gets picked on by the rooster) had a peaceful day. I have put a dog crate inside the coop and that is where I place Smarty for the night. The rooster can't get to her this way incase his plans are to kill her. I know this ritual may get old but I just can't bare the rooster hurting her anymore than he has. (a bloody cone) I was contemplating getting rid of the rooster but I may have come up with a good solution that will only take effort on my part. Anyone else dealing with this sort of thing?
The rooster is beautiful and loves taking care of the hens while out and about. I have only had them for a week and a couple days but am contemplating getting rid of the rooster if this continues. The first week the rooster was great! but if he is always going to do this down the road then he is out of here for sure. Can this get worked out amongst them or not? The rooster is pretty cool with the hens but Smarty. Anyone with this experience?
You can either get a rooster that works with your flock or not have a rooster at all.

The reason why I have roosters is because I incubate eggs from my flock. You don't need to have a rooster in your flock especially if they are going to be too rough.

If the rooster is going to continue it's rough behavior, I would not keep it. I would look for a rooster that would work for my flock or do without. Sounds like this hen is low in the pecking order and the rooster is at the top.

You can continue to separate them, but I assume this will probably get old as time goes on. Then when you let them out of the coop, he can attack her then. Some people will suggest to put the bully in timeout for a little while, but roosters are quite stubborn and it may not stop his behavior. It can also make his behavior worse.
I had roosters that acted similar to yours and it continued to get worse no matter what I tried.

This is also a new flock to you and maybe they just need some time to adjust to their new surroundings.

I honestly would give it a little bit more time to see if things work out, but if you are not comfortable in doing so then I would just remove the rooster.
Roosters are either good or bad, there is no in between!

I have had roosters that I absolutely cannot stand due to their behaviors towards people and the flock... Those ones got new homes.

The two that I have right now I had issues with one of them, which I corrected (he attacked me one day and I embarrassed him in front of the entire flock). I have two Jersey Giants, which are like the Great Danes of the chicken world so they're pretty mellow.

What breed is your rooster?

If you don't know you can post a picture so that we can see...

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