My double oven recycled into an incubator/hatcher


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 2, 2012

So, I had the bright idea to buy a used double oven for my kitchen. Turns out, it didnt work when I got it home and wired it up. So I was left with this monstrocity. We had been using 3 Little Giant incubators and had filled them to capacity.
I had seen folks using refrigerators before to make incubators, so I thought I would give this a go...
BEST thing I have ever done. My hatches have gone as high as 96% in this thing!
It was so simple to do. I just used a paddle bit to drill a few holes in the sides (that could later be plugged with a cork if needed). I got a bottle lamp kit from Wal-Mart (6.88), and a small desk fan (4.88). I ran the light and fan cords through one of the holes I had cut. I had to play with the proper wattage of bulb, but found that a simple 60 watt bulb keeps the temp perfect. And the fan, placed below the light bulb, circulates the air so that the temp is stable throughout the incubator. I have a large cookie sheet of sponges that sits in the bottom that I fill with water as needed for humidity.
I already had two spare turning racks laying around that sit on the oven racks. I ran those cords through one of the holes as well.
The top portion holds my two turners, and the bottom portion was done in the same manner to use as a hatcher. When eggs are ready to go to the hatcher, I just remove them from the turners and place them in a plastic tray that is lined with some of the rubbery cabinet liner.
As I said, great hatches. It is not the prettiest thing in the world but does suprisingly well for a used $30 oven and a few small purcases from Wal-Mart.
Cool ! Hope they work ! I wont be able to make one for my self, I cant keep too many chickies ! Only thing I am not sure how you can keep the temperatures. Please let us know if you got chickies !
I did get chicks, my last hatch was two weeks ago. Of the 40, I got 34 babies. On that run, I had lackenvelders, cochins, langashans, wyandottes, aweracuanas, and some blue orps.
The oven is actually insulated really well, so the temp hasnt ever been an issue once I found the right wattage bulb and put the fan in to keep the air circulated.

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