My duck’s wing looks like it was bleeding what should I do

Raina hoe

In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2020
I recently just checked her wing and there’s a blood stain on it, I don’t know if this is bad so please tell me what to do because idk if it’s hurting her? 20430E85-8B0F-453B-919F-3560B881CCDA.jpeg


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Not likely any pain. The feather shafts do contain blood vessels, so it is possible that duck slightly cracked feather a little too far up shaft. Injury can have come from scraping on a sharp point of fencing, or wire. I would not worry too much about it, and if you wish, then wash it clean. I don't have ducks, but I know chickens are attracted to wounds on other chickens, and will peck that chicken. Sometimes viciously.
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You should wash it up with a baby wipe or a paper towel with water, and try to identify if it was a scratch on the skin, or a broke feather shaft. Also, if you have any
blu-kote to put on it. This has happened to me too.

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