My duck didn't get snatched up after all!


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2016
I had to share this hilarious story. This day has been an emotional roller coaster as a duck mom. Our ducks have been enjoying free ranging on our pond and surrounding land for a few months now with no issues, no signs of predators... until yesterday morning. We awoke to our poor little black cayuga Penelope missing skin and feathers on the back of her neck. Miraculously whatever got a hold of her didn't puncture the flesh, but it stripped her neck bare. She's recovering nicely in the garage now. We were nervous about whatever this was getting to our other ducks, but they refuse to come back inside the coop at night, so we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. We awoke this morning to our blue cayuga, Pickles, missing. Absolutely no sign of her, alive or dead. As I was attempting to lure the last duck into the coop for protection just minutes ago, who do I see waddling down our gravel path toward the coop but Pickles herself? This is over 12 hours since the last Pickles sighting, mind you. She had apparently been hunkered down somewhere to make sure nothing could find her, not even us.
@bamachick86 she sounds like she had alot to say about the ordeal [if we only spoke duck].

Glad you found her and were able to get them all locked up. Predators once they have found an easy meal source will keep coming back till it's all gone.

Sure hope Penelope makes a full recovery too. Welcome to BYC
That is so cute!......I also have a Penelope.....

I have a Funny story also.....I have two Drakes, my Hens are in season right now and breeding is like wildfire here.....I an rehoming my Call Drake. Anyways...The Call Drake has been locked up in my garage because I do not want him injured by my Welsh Drake....It was a nice day so I let him back with the flock to free range and play in the tubs of water.....I was only in the house for 5 minutes and when I went out he was gone....VANISHED.....I was sick to my stomach.....I quacked and QUACKED to call him back....I went to lock up the other Ducks in the Run and could here shuffling on the top of the Run that is covered by a tarp.....Their he was all happy and came flying off the top and wattled into the run with the flock.....He has never done that before.....

Silly Ducks!

That is so cute!......I also have a Penelope.....

I have a Funny story also.....I have two Drakes, my Hens are in season right now and breeding is like wildfire here.....I an rehoming my Call Drake. Anyways...The Call Drake has been locked up in my garage because I do not want him injured by my Welsh Drake....It was a nice day so I let him back with the flock to free range and play in the tubs of water.....I was only in the house for 5 minutes and when I went out he was gone....VANISHED.....I was sick to my stomach.....I quacked and QUACKED to call him back....I went to lock up the other Ducks in the Run and could here shuffling on the top of the Run that is covered by a tarp.....Their he was all happy and came flying off the top and wattled into the run with the flock.....He has never done that before.....

Silly Ducks!

@chickens really glad you found your lil Call drake that is not a good feeling when one goes missing. I understand they are great fliers too that is what I was thinking when you said he vanished I am glad he didn't fly away.
As you know @Miss Lydia I love my Ducks.....I almost cried when he was lost for the ten minutes...haha!......He sure can fly.....With the snow on the ground he flies around more....Plus he was locked up for 5 days so he was stretching his wings.....

Yes you love your lil feathered puppies. I love mine too and can't stand the thought of anything happening to one.

He needed the exercise but should have left a note telling you where he was so you wouldn't worry. lol
That is so cute!......I also have a Penelope.....

I have a Funny story also.....I have two Drakes, my Hens are in season right now and breeding is like wildfire here.....I an rehoming my Call Drake. Anyways...The Call Drake has been locked up in my garage because I do not want him injured by my Welsh Drake....It was a nice day so I let him back with the flock to free range and play in the tubs of water.....I was only in the house for 5 minutes and when I went out he was gone....VANISHED.....I was sick to my stomach.....I quacked and QUACKED to call him back....I went to lock up the other Ducks in the Run and could here shuffling on the top of the Run that is covered by a tarp.....Their he was all happy and came flying off the top and wattled into the run with the flock.....He has never done that before.....

Silly Ducks!


That is too funny! Glad your little guy didn't go MIA for too long :) I'm still trying to figure what could've gotten to Penelope and what could've scared Pickles off for so long. I considered she could've been hurt by mating from our drake but I don't think I've ever seen him go after her, and he's usually not too aggressive (except when he gets around the chickens, they need to watch out). Penelope seems to be doing fairly well, considering her situation. She's still pretty active and alert, hanging out in the crate in the garage with some hay and electrolyte water and feed. I've been spraying some poultry spray on the wound all week but started using Neosporin today to help speed up the healing process. Sadly in our wrangling efforts to get all the ducks in the coop one of our brand new golden 300 hybrids ran off into the woods--she made an appearance later that afternoon but my blasted rooster chased her off and I haven't seen her since :( We aren't letting those guys out of that pen for the foreseeable future.

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