My duck is driving me crazy -- what do I do??


12 Years
Sep 4, 2007
clovis, new mexico
Here is the problem I have a duck who's sex drive is on overload-- My mallard/crested mix is very fond of one of my pullets he grabs her tail and messed up the feathers, he holds the back of her neck so strongly that when I pick him up he is still holding on to her lifting her up at the same time, tonight was the worst I put everyone to bed like always and before we got to the door we heard this poor pullet crying out for help - I went into the coop grabbed Frodo while my husband tried to get the girl out of his mouth she lost a few feathers and is stressed, so Frodo and his duck girlfriend along with my other duck are out in the yard because I cant trust him in there with the pullet but when I let them out of the coop - he will most likely grab her again ( he does this all day ).
I dont want to get rid of him but I cant have him doing this either, and if I do rehome him will my other ducks be fine without him? Frodo and Afflac have been together since they were a day old best of buddies, will they be alright seperated?
I know the best solution is build another yard but I am limited on space since I have neighbors all around me ( some breed pit bulls )
Will he stop this madness soon? he is not even 1 year yet.
please give me some hints or ideas !!!!
thats alot nicer than what i wanted to do to him LOL Dont get me wrong I love him, but after hearing that poor pullet crying for help I wanted to kill him !!! ( he is fine just got a talking to and a swat on the bill ) not that he will listen to me.
What does his ducky lady say?? If that were my man-duck stepping out on me, and cross-species to boot, I'd have a bit of something to say about that!

Is there something a duck doesn't like the taste of? I'd put that on her neck and tail feathers - that'll keep him off!

SOrry I dont' have any other ideas.
Is he the only drake?
I had a drake who really picked on my chickens.
I built their own pen and have had no problems since.
Perhaps if you can rehome him and get the duck another friend, female! lots of eggs and no dramas.
Frodo is not the only drake. we have two drakes one female - my other drake did the same thing for awhile but not as bad and since the female got here he does not bother the pullets just likes to chase them away from HIS pool.
Frodo's duck girl is not to please with him right now - when he is in the mood they breed all the time but he still goes after the pullets and she makes alot of fuss about it ( that's how I know he is up to no good Ebony tells on him ) I did notice that he only goes after the americana's he keeps chasing them until he finds that speacil one -my poor girl.
As far as eating Frodo I dont have the heart to ... but I will ship him to you and you can have dinner on me one night LOL
maybe I try putting bitter apple on her feathers it works with the dogs stops them from chewing on things they are not allowed, I dont think it will hurt the chicken ?????

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