My duck keeps chasing me


9 Years
Mar 17, 2010
My drake Cayuga Black Dog chases me all the time, and when I turn around he tries to act like he wasn't doing it. He runs like full blast at me, and I don't know if he is trying to chase me off, or if he just wants to hang out. When my cat comes near he charges at her and then flies after her to chase her down. Anyway i think it is real cool and wanted to share it.


Here's my boy right here
My drake not only chases me, but will fly at me and land on my head. Everyone in my family thinks it's a riot--me, not so much. I spend a lot of time with a duck hanging off my pant leg.
none of my ducks or chickens ever chased me but my gander Fred, during laying and breeding season would be following behind me with his head down, neck stretched out making threatening gestures and noises...I would turn around and his head would snap up and he would do the lalalalala thing and wander off like , "It wasn't me, I was just strolling around watching for bugs." He was such a big old sissy pants if confronted...none of my other ganders even think about such least not so far...
My Appleyard/Khaki Campbell drake does the same thing to me. He's just being a drake. That's what they do to try to be the boss. You need to show him who's boss if he gets too mean about it.. I think it's funny that mine thinks he's so tough. We're all used to his antics around here but If he gets to be too mean about it, or if he hurts, I grab him and flip him on his back. He hates that but he leaves me alone after I do it.
He is trying to dominate you, mine did that to me too but as soon as I turn around they pretend like they would never do any such thing! Lol. I started flipping them over onto their backs when I would catch them doing it and trying to keep face to face contact with them as much as possible. I would walk away backwards watching them the whole time and wouldn't turn till I was 5-7 feet away. They chilled out but have never fully quit, I don't think they ever will. Just instincts.

Omg. I'm sorry. But I just pictured this and couldn't help but crack up laughing. Sorry.
I am glad I am not alone. He is definitely one of my favorites. Does this mean that my hens are beginning to lay eggs, or is it just an age thing?

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