my duck was attacked by a flock of crows HELP


Aug 16, 2023
hey guys so a little back story my one duck had a small scab on her back neck from mating with a male (TMI) but it was absolutely nothing to worry about. anyways this morning after i let the ducks out a flock of crows attacked her (my australian shepherd ran out and saved her) and pecked at her scab and it’s pretty raw and bleeding. it’s not TOO bad i don’t have pictures right now but i’ll get one later. i soaked it, disinfected it, and made a salve for it and wrapped it and have her inside safe and sound. but the crows keeping coming back looking for her i think. what should i do? why did they attack her?? she’s acting a bit lethargic but all in all okay? she hasn’t drank much or ate. should i be worried? the wound itself wasn’t too bad but she was acting a bit off the day before.
Sorry this happened to your duck! How is she doing now? You might try posting this in the emergency forum, but sounds to me like she was in shock. Sounds like you treated the wound well, and protected her from further injury in a great way.

No idea why crows would attack a duck. Was she near their nests or young? As with any predator, if they keep trying to come around, I'd lock up your birds for a few weeks until they give up. In the case of crows, just keep it so they can't get to your ducks. Check your local laws first, but it may be fine for you to shoot one of them, as they are not protected like hawks are. If you display the body, the rest should leave and not come back. Pretty gruesome, but it's a technique farmers have been using for ages with good success. Good luck!
Sorry this happened to your duck! How is she doing now? You might try posting this in the emergency forum, but sounds to me like she was in shock. Sounds like you treated the wound well, and protected her from further injury in a great way.

No idea why crows would attack a duck. Was she near their nests or young? As with any predator, if they keep trying to come around, I'd lock up your birds for a few weeks until they give up. In the case of crows, just keep it so they can't get to your ducks. Check your local laws first, but it may be fine for you to shoot one of them, as they are not protected like hawks are. If you display the body, the rest should leave and not come back. Pretty gruesome, but it's a technique farmers have been using for ages with good success. Good luck!
i’ll get a picture for you! she’s doing okay, she hasn’t eaten much from what it looks like but i’ve been changing her bedding and water and food everyday. i just took her wrap off to let it air and am going to go in with the disinfectant again in an hour or so and wrap it. she was wheezing a bit after i took it off, i think she was frightened of me though. the crows have come back looking for her but haven’t hurt any of the other ducks. i have them all inside but let them out when i’m outside.
she outside freeranging when it happened. i had come in for a moment and then i heard her quacking. i think they were trying to get her eggs then saw she already had a wound so went for it? i’m not sure

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