my duck was attacked by a flock of crows HELP


Aug 16, 2023
hey guys so a little back story my one duck had a small scab on her back neck from mating with a male (TMI) but it was absolutely nothing to worry about. anyways this morning after i let the ducks out a flock of crows attacked her (my australian shepherd ran out and saved her) and pecked at her scab and it’s pretty raw and bleeding. it’s not TOO bad i don’t have pictures right now but i’ll get one later. i soaked it, disinfected it, and made a salve for it and wrapped it and have her inside safe and sound. but the crows keeping coming back looking for her i think. what should i do? why did they attack her?? she’s acting a bit lethargic but all in all okay? she hasn’t drank much or ate. should i be worried? the wound itself wasn’t too bad but she was acting a bit off the day before.

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